

App Development

MacRoberts is one of Scotland’s pre-eminent law firms. Their clients include leading UK and international businesses, financial institutions, public sector organisations and private individuals. They provide a full-range of legal services and their core objective is to deliver their clients success.

They have over 240 employees working from offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh and are recognised as one of the most innovative professional services firms in the UK.

The Requirement

With the exponential growth in the tablet and smartphone market, MacRoberts recognised the need to engage with the increasing numbers of consumers that were accessing information and using tools offered to them via these devices.

In recognising this lead generation opportunity, MacRoberts identified that they required something more than a generic information portal about their services. They understood that users were unlikely to engage with this type of application and so they assessed the marketplace to understand what areas they could add value to consumers.

As part of their research, MacRoberts identified one main trend that was stemming from the global financial crisis – increasing numbers of redundancies. As a result, MacRoberts recognised an opportunity to development a bespoke redundancy calculator that would allow users to calculate the amount of money that they would be due in the event of a redundancy.

Why Craig Champion?

One of the key reasons that MacRoberts chose Craig Champion to develop their mobile application was the bespoke nature of their idea. They had looked at several providers within the market but their offerings were too generic to implement this innovative solution. As a result, MacRoberts turned to the breadth of expertise and experience that Craig Champion had to offer in developing

an application such as this.

Another reason that MacRoberts chose Craig Champion  was their ability to grasp the objectives of the project and contribute to its success. Craig Champion worked closely with MacRoberts HR legal team to development a set of criteria that would accurately calculate users redundancy payments. They also mapped out and developed a back-end system that allows MacRoberts to easily update the formulas in the event of future changes in legislation.

The Outcome

MacRoberts application has been extremely successful, with over 1,000 downloads worldwide. It was launched to media acclaim including a feature article in the Metro Newspaper. It has provided a valuable legal resource to users and resulted in many generated leads for MacRoberts.


“This application was the first of its kind in the world and without the creative and bespoke nature of Craig Champion's solutions, it would not have been possible. The app contains several sections on the law and Craig Champion's visionary development has allowed us to update the content and send user information as push notifications. It was pleasure working with Craig Champion on this project and we look forward to working with them on others.”

David Flint, Partner




  • Location
  • Completed Date August 2011